The World of Advertising - Norway

Which C did this cover?

Creativity and Critical Thinking.

The students should make and then film their own advert.

We started the work and I realised that all of the C’s were important.

The students had to communicate, cooperate and change their daily character.

It is also important for a citizen to know something about advertising.

Why did you choose them? (What did you want the students to develop?)

Advertising is a part of the students’ syllabus, and they meet it every day in TV and radio. They have to know how it works, what kind of tools they use and how advertising influences our choices and our lives.

They need a good idea, to develop the idea and use their creativity. They have to find good tools and think critically about whether the tools they choose are good enough. How will the tools work?

Which activities did you selected to support the development of these C’s?

I have 28 students in the class. I divided them into seven different groups, and asked them to make an advert.

They should film the advert, show it to the other students and evaluate it.

They had to decide if the advert was going to:

a) Sell a product
b) Change attitude
c) Give information

They had to make a story and find out what kind of tools they needed to achieve the goal. They had four hours to make the film, and we used three hours to present and evaluate.

How did you experience the impact of the activities on the students?

They enjoyed the task and realised that they had to communicate to make it work. They had to discuss different ideas and find compromises. They had a good laugh and enjoyed being creative.

They had to cooperate in their leisure time and find meeting points.

Silent students showed another side of their character.

They evaluated their own and the other groups work and saw how the different tasks had been solved and how different tools had been used in the work.

I hope they have learned how important it is to see the context between the tools and recipient. We must continue to practice reflection which is important in developing the character and becoming an adult and a good Norwegian citizen.


Teaching the Conspiracies - Norway